3. Setup Guide

3.1. Create a New ESX VM and Mount the ISO

Create a new VM with your virtualization software. In this case, we will use VMWare ESX managed through a VMWare VCenter.

The new VM must be configured with a Linux base system and Debian GNU/Linux 10 (64 bits) as target version. It is recommended to upload the Nextron Universal Installer ISO to an accessible datastore and mount the same to your newly created VM.

Create a new virtual Machine I
Create a new virtual Machine II
Create a new virtual Machine III
Create a new virtual Machine IV

Create a new virtual Machine

Please make sure to select a suitable v-switch or physical interface that reflects the IP address scheme you are planning to use for the new Analysis Cockpit. Only use one Hard Disk for the installation.

3.2. Analysis Cockpit Installation

Start the installation confirming the only available option in the boot loader screen.

The installer then loads the additional components from the ISO image and lets you select a location and language.

Starting the installation

Starting the installation

Choosing language, location and locales I
Choosing language, location and locales II
Choosing language, location and locales III
Choosing language, location and locales IV

Choosing language, location and locales

If DHCP is available, network parameters will be configured automatically.

Without DHCP, ASGARD proceeds with the manual network configuration dialogue.

3.3. Network Configuration

The next step prompts for a hostname for the device. After entering a hostname and clicking Continue, it also prompts for the Domain Name. After this Information is submitted, the Installer tries to get network configurations from a DHCP-Server. If there is none to be found, it will prompt for a static IP-Configuration.

Network Configuration I
Network Configuration II

Enter the IP address that Analysis Cockpit should use and optimally directly add a netmask in CIDR notation. (see below) If you don't append the netmask, you'll be asked for a network mask in the following dialogue.

Network Configuration - IP addresses

Network Configuration - IP addresses

Network Configuration - Enter the DNS server addresses

Network Configuration – Enter the DNS server addresses

Network Configuration - Enter the Gateway

Network Configuration - Enter the Gateway

Network Configuration - Enter the Hostname

Network Configuration - Enter the Hostname

Network Configuration - Enter the Domain name

Network Configuration - Enter the Domain name


Important: Make sure that the combination of hostname and domain creates an FQDN that can be resolved from the ASGARD Management Center(s) you want to connect with your Analysis Cockpit. If you've configured a FQDN (hostname + domain) that cannot be resolved, your ASGARDs will encounter an error during connection.

This is especially important since your Analysis Cockpit will create some certificates during the installation, which will not contain an IP Address as its Subject Alternative Name (SAN), but only the FQDN! You will not be able to connect your ASGARD Management Center with your Analysis Cockpit via IP Address.

3.4. Choosing a password

Choosing a password

Choosing a password for the nextron user

3.5. Partitioning of the Hard Disk


The Analysis Cockpit is intended to be installed with only one disk. Do not configure your server with multiple disks. The system won't configure additional disks. Make sure that your disk has the recommended size. See Hardware Requirements for more information.

Finally, confirm the settings, select “Yes” and click “Continue”.

Partition Disks - Write changes to disks

Partition Disks – Write changes to disks

Partition disks - Select disk to partition

Partition disks – Select disk to partition

3.6. Proxy Configuration

If you are using a proxy to access the Internet, enter the proxy details in the next step. Please note, Internet connectivity is required for the next step – the installation of the ASGARD Analysis Cockpit service.

Proxy Configuration

Proxy Configuration

The proxy configuration supports unauthorized access and HTTP Auth, for example http://our-proxy.local:8080 and http://username:password@our-proxy.local:8000

3.7. Install the Analysis Cockpit Services

The base installation is now complete. In the next step we'll install the Analysis Cockpit service.


  • Internet connectivity is required for this step.

  • Use an upper case i in the word nextronInstaller.

Use the VMWare console or SSH to the appliance using the user nextron.

To start the Analysis Cockpit installation run the following command:

nextron@asgard-ac:~$ sudo nextronInstaller -cockpit

After the installer has completed its operations successfully, the system is ready to be used.

Message upon successful completion

Message upon successful completion

Note that the FQDN shown after https:// has to be resolvable by the connected ASGARD Management Centers and users that try to access the Analysis Cockpit.

3.8. Changing Passwords

3.8.1. Console

The password for the linux system can be changed by opening a command line on the Analysis Cockpit. Log into the Analysis Cockpit via SSH with the user nextron.

Simply type the following command after logging into the system, to set a new password for the nextron user.

nextron@asgard-ac:~$ passwd
Changing password for nextron.
Current password:
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Make sure to write that new password down or better save it into a password safe.


On older installations default password is nextron.

3.8.2. Web UI

Log into the web-based frontend with user admin and password admin and change the initial password.

The Analysis Cockpit Web interface password can be changed by clicking your username in the top right corner and selecting User Settings. From here you can change your password.

User Settings

User Settings

3.9. Changing the IP-Address

The Analysis Cockpit's IP-Address can be changed in /etc/network/interfaces. The IP is configured with the address variable.

nextron@asgard-ac:~$ sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
auto ens32
iface ens32 inet static

You can now restart networking.service to apply the changes.

nextron@asgard-ac:~$ sudo systemctl restart networking.service


  • The network interface might have a different name, so pay attention to the name (in this example ens32).

  • If restarting the networking.service is throwing an error, you you can restart the server

The new IP can be applied with the command sudo systemctl restart networking

3.9.1. Verifying DNS Settings

To verify if ASGARD is using the correct DNS Server, you can inspect the file /etc/resolv.conf:

nextron@asgard-ac:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
search example.org

If you see errors in this configuration, you can change it with the following command:

nextron@asgard-ac:~$ sudoedit /etc/resolv.conf