11. Known Issues

11.1. AAC#006: Scan stuck at Status "Unknown"

Introduced Version

Fixed Version

<= 3.10.1


There is currently a bug in the Analysis Cockpit which prevents some Scans from being imported correctly.

This is caused by very big events (a single event bigger than 64 Kb), which will cause the parser to error. The Analysis Cockpit can never finish importing this Scan.


If you are unable to see the Update button in the update section (because of the major upgrade text), run the following commands via ssh on your Analysis Cockpit to install the update:

nextron@analysis:~$ sudo apt update
nextron@analysis:~$ sudo apt upgrade

11.1.1. AAC#006: Check

You can check if one of your scan logs is effected if the following conditions are met:

You will see a scan which has the Status Unknown

Scan stuck at Status ``Unknown``

When you connect to your Analysis Cockpit via SSH and enter a root session, you can execute the following command to see if the error occured on one or more log files:

root@analysis:# grep -R "ERROR: bufio.Scanner: token too long" /var/lib/nextron/analysiscockpit3/log
Jan 26 16:18:49 analysis analysiscockpit4[29459]: 2024-01-26T15:18:49Z [ERR] could not read events from file PATH: /var/lib/nextron/analysiscockpi3/events/upload_siduction_thor_2024-01-06.txt ERROR: bufio.Scanner: token too long

You should see from the above output which log had problems, which should also be reflected in the filename:

root@analysis:# ls /var/lib/nextron/analysiscockpit3/events

The file has the .problem suffix, which indicates a problem during the import.

If you encounter this problem with one or more scan files, update your system and re-import the scans.

You can either uplopad the manually, or rename them by removing the .problem suffix in the end. They should then get correctly imported.

11.2. AAC#005: Could not get table data: Data too large

This issue is related to ElasticSearch, which stores your Analysis Cockpit's events. Elasticsearch calculates the required RAM for operations before executing them.

The below error might occur on complex searches or aggregations (e.g. for the graphs in the baselining view). To fix this issue, you have to increase the RAM of your Analysis Cockpit and reconfigure ElasticSearch to actually use more RAM.

11.2.1. AAC#005: Fix

To actually fix the problem, you have to allocate more RAM to your Analysis Cockpit. You should be able to do this via your hypervisor.

To increase heap space for ElasticSearch, edit the following configuration file on your Analysis Cockpit:

nextron@cockpit:~$ sudoedit /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/10-cockpit.options

You should see the following default values:

  • Xms represents the initial size of total heap space

  • Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space

The 2g part of the values indicates the heap space in gigabytes. We advise to use 50% of your system's memory for ElasticSearch. On a system with a maximum of 8 GB of RAM, this would be 4g:


After you saved your changes, restart the elasticsearch service (this could take a few seconds!):

nextron@cockpit:~$ sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch.service

Make sure the service is in active (running) state after you restarted it:

nextron@cockpit:~$ sudo systemctl status elasticsearch.service

11.3. AAC#004: Multiple Sandbox Issues

Introduced Version

Fixed Version

<= 3.7.8


There are currently three issues with the sandbox integration:

  1. Wrong python script capev2.py

  2. Reports can't be downloaded

  3. Files coming from the Bifrost Quarantine have no Name (missing)

Those issues will be fixed with the next release.

11.3.1. AAC#004: Workarounds

  1. To fix the capev2.py file, contact support. We can provide you with the correct file

  2. No workaround - upgrade needed

  3. No workaround - upgrade needed

11.4. AAC#003: Case Management - onDelete is not defined

Introduced Version

Fixed Version



Version 3.7.4 of the Analysis Cockpit introduced a bug, which occurs when trying to edit Access rights for Case Status in the Case Management settings. The following error appears along with a visual bug on the right side of your browser window which says "Retry":


Error: Something went wrong

onDelete is not defined

There is currently no workaround for this bug, you need to upgrade to version 3.8.2 or higher to fix this.

11.5. AAC#002: Context Deadline Exceeded

Introduced Version

Fixed Version



When debugging GRPC connectivity issues between your components (for example Management Center to Analysis Cockpit), you might encounter an error similar to the following one:

 2 "LEVEL":"Warning",
 3 "MESSAGE":"could not dial grpc",
 4 "MODULE":"api",
 5 "REQUEST_IP":"",
 6 "TIME":"2023-03-06T12:35:37Z",
 7 "USER":"admin",
 8 "error":"context deadline exceeded",
 9 "host":"cockpit3.domain.local:7443"

11.5.1. AAC#002: Workaround

There is no workaround for this type of error. The error usually occurs because one of the following things are preventing proper communication between your components:

  • Firewall is using TLS Inspection

  • Proxy is using TLS Inspection

  • DNS Issues


Your components expect specific certificates from each other when communicating. If a device is trying to inspect TLS traffic, the certificate will change and you receive the above error.

To help you figuring out what is causing the problem, you can try the following. You can use openssl on your source system to see which certificate is presented by the destination host (change the host and port values as needed)

nextron@asgard2:~$ openssl s_client -host cockpit3.domain.local -port 7443
depth=0 O = Nextron Systems GmbH, CN = cockpit3.domain.local
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 O = Nextron Systems GmbH, CN = cockpit3.domain.local
verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate
verify return:1
write W BLOCK
Certificate chain
 0 s:O = Nextron Systems GmbH, CN = cockpit3.domain.local
   i:O = Nextron Systems GmbH, CN = Analysis Cockpit 3
Server certificate

The marked lines show you the certificate which is presented by the destination host. If this certificate is different from the one you installed, then the problem might be a device trying to do TLS Inspection.

We are currently working on improving the presented error message, to give a better understanding what might be the issue at hand.

11.6. AAC#001: Nested LDAP Groups not working

Introduced Version

Fixed Version



Using nested groups in your LDAP/AD will result in no users because the query will fail.

11.6.1. AAC#001: Workaround

Change your LDAP GroupFilter to the following:
