7. Case Management Best Practices

This section assumes, that a 2-Level model as described in Understanding Users, Roles, Rights and Case Status is used.

The following actions will be explained:

  • Opening a case

  • Handing a case over to the next level

  • Closing a case

  • Reviewing the rules that add future logs to this case (Grouping Criteria)

7.1. Open a Case for Editing

The picture below shows the Case Management view with cases that have been created with the Auto Case feature. You can see those cases by filtering the Name column to only contain the Auto Case value and the Status column to only contain the Open value.

Opening a Case for editing

Opening a Case for editing

In our example a Level 1 Analyst would now pick one of these open cases and set the Status to "Level 1 Working". To do this, they would open the case by clicking on the magnifier button and modify the status to Level 1 Working and then click Update.

Change Status

Change Status

Now the logs within the case can be analyzed and results can be documented in the assessment field. Recommendations can be set from the canned recommendations list. Columns can be faded in and out and comments can be added.

7.2. Case Dispatching

Let's assume, our Level 1 Analyst concludes, that this is a "Legitimate Anomaly". They will now set the status to "Level 1 Finished" and update the case. After setting the case to "Level 1 Finished" the case becomes visible to the Level 2 Analyst.

7.3. Closing a Case

Let's assume, that a Level 2 Analyst now picks one of the cases in status "Level 1 Finished" and starts working on this case.

In this respect we assume, that something suspicious has been found, that needs further analysis by the system administration team. In most organizations this will be controlled through the organization's action request or ticketing system. So, we assume, that we will close the case in the Analysis Cockpit as it is progressed in another system. Thus, the status is changed to closed and the case gets updated.

Closing a Case

Closing a Case


The Analysis Cockpit provides interfacing to action-request and external ticketing systems using the API.

7.4. Generate and Review auto_case_ids

These auto_case_ids can be reviewed in the Grouping Criteria section of the case.

Reviewing Grouping Criteria

Reviewing Grouping Criteria

In our example, three auto_case_ids were added that match all 1,000 log lines. In the future all incoming logs, that match one of the three “Detailed Reasons” will be added to this case directly and will not show up in the Log Management section.

7.4.1. Limitations

There are limitations to the visibility of grouping criteria. Grouping Criteria are only calculated for Alerts and Warnings. For all other types of logs (Notices, Info, Error) auto_case_ids are not calculated, so every log line gets its own highly specific filter that matches future occurrences of exactly the same log line but will not do any kind of generic matching. These highly specific filters are not displayed in the case for simplicities sake.

In rare cases the Analysis Cockpit will find it difficult to calculate auto_case_ids even for Alerts and Warnings. These logs will get tagged with optimized\_template=false. In this case, the behavior is like for Notices, Info and Error messages. Grouping Criteria will not show up as it will be one highly specific filter per log line.

7.5. More Information about Cases

The Affected Assets tab of a case shows assets that have contributed at least one log line to this case. In this example 5 assets are affected. All of them have the same operating system "windows".

Case - Assets Tab

Case – Assets Tab

In the Comments tab you can add comments and attachments to this case. Attachments can be used to pass additional information to members of the analysis team (e.g. memory dump for further analysis).

Case - Comments

Case – Comments

The Changes tab shows information about changes to this case.

In other words: This is your case audit log.

Case - Changes tab

Case – Changes tab

7.6. Bulk Edit / Bulk Delete

The Analysis Cockpit features a convenient way to make certain changes to groups of cases. Just select the case in the left column and click the Edit Cases or Delete Cases button.

Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit