7.3. Increasing ElasticSearch's Heap Space

When installing your Analysis Cockpit, your Elasticsearch instance running on the same server will be initialized with a heap space of 2GB. This means, it will only use up to 2GB RAM to perform search queries. This might also cause unused RAM and could lead to issues in rare cases.

This issue is related to ElasticSearch, which stores your Analysis Cockpit's events. Elasticsearch calculates the required RAM for operations before executing them.

If you recently increased the RAM of your server, you need to change the below configuration to make use of it. If you did not increase your RAM, but initially set up your server with more RAM, you can also go ahead and change this.

To increase heap space for ElasticSearch, edit the following configuration file on your Analysis Cockpit:

nextron@cockpit:~$ sudoedit /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/10-cockpit.options

You should see the following default values:

  • Xms represents the initial size of total heap space

  • Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space

The 2g part of the values indicates the heap space in gigabytes. We advise to use 50% of your system's memory for ElasticSearch. On a system with a maximum of 8 GB of RAM, this would be 4g:


After you saved your changes, restart the elasticsearch service (this could take a few seconds!):

nextron@cockpit:~$ sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch.service

Make sure the service is in active (running) state after you restarted it:

nextron@cockpit:~$ sudo systemctl status elasticsearch.service